The Most Important Conversation You Will Have In Your Relationship
The top early predictor of divorce is arguments about money. But it's not credit card or student debt, a difference in income between partners, not having or earning enough money, or other financial stressors--it's a lack of communication, understanding each others' financial principles and goals, and a false belief that money will never be an issue.
We Will Guide a Constructive Conversation
This is not investment advice or an insurance pitch. We are much closer to relationship counseling. Our expert coaching will guide you and your partner through a conversation about values, goals, past experiences, and habits as they relate to money. Through conversation, we will put in place the solution that works best for you. Every relationship is unique, and you need a system that works for you.
But we don't have money issues!
Most of our clients don't! But this is the wrong question to ask. The important question is do my partner and I have a shared vision about what we want to achieve financially, and do we have a day-to-day understanding of how our actions bring us closer or further away?
We just keep our money separate, what's wrong with that?
Nothing! And the solution we explore together may in fact be just that, to keep your finances separate. But while your money is separate, your goals aren't. Do you want to buy a house, rent in a nicer building, raise kids, retire at 40, 50, or 65, or travel the world? All of those things you want to do together require spending money jointly. Keeping money separate is great, but that doesn't erase a need to have a conversation about how you will accomplish your joint financial goals.
Can't we just have this conversation on our own?
Yes, but we want to have a better one with you. We love couples that already talk about money and goals. But our coaches know how to ask the right questions, move to the right topics, and most importantly, present the solution that makes the most sense for you based on our experience working with all sorts of couples.
The best relationship investment out there
Hiring one of our financial coaches is a small investment that can make a MAJOR impact on the success of your relationship. Money is a leading factor cited by divorced or separated couples for why their relationship deteriorated. Couples who knew each other for decades come to the realization after all that time that they had just never discussed their vision and philosophies about money. We firmly believe that had that conversation taken place, it would have prevented the problems from forming in the first place.
Will My Partner Think I'm Blaming Them?
This is not a "I'm doing things perfectly and you're not, so let's get on the same page" situation. This approach is bringing a future-oriented couple closer through a guided conversation. We aren't going to tell one partner to spend more and the other to spend less. We will sit down, understand what money, spending, saving, investing, and other topics mean to each person, and how they can collaborate on a joint approach to reach their shared goals.
Do you only cater to couples?
No! In addition to couples, we help single individuals talk through their own financial goals. We also offer Q+A sessions, Finances 101, Tax Preparation Services, and more. Check out all of our services here!
My husband and I both work, never rack up debt, and never had any "money issues." Our coach helped us form a joint vision for our financial future that we had never discussed before, and probably uncovered a little bit of concern we had about each others habits. The framework that we put in place strengthened our marriage and we are so thankful we hired a financial coach!"